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Ildar Khalikov: We should create for investors all conditions for development and work


Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov told about purposes of creating RT Agency for investment development. Head of RT government said that it does not imply reorganization of structure but creation of new institution for which serious tasks are set.
Ildar Khalikov: We should create for investors all conditions for development and work
Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov told about purposes of creating RT Agency for investment development. Head of RT government said that it does not imply reorganization of structure but creation of new institution for which serious tasks are set.

Ildar Khalikov reminded that the issue of creating such agency was raised many times because “this function was not developed enough within the framework of republican government”. Also RT government discussed which ministry would become the basic for creation of Agency for investment development. The main principles of creating the approved scheme were the following: both large and small investors, Russian and foreign, are important for Tatarstan economy. So possibility to consolidate all information within the limits of one structure is essential.

According to Prime Minister, the interest towards Tatarstan has greatly increased for the last years and separate departments and ministries cannot carry out such serious volume of work. First of all it is connected with Universiade - 2013 in Kazan, - many private investors come to see the objects, funds are being invested, new hotels, restaurants and cafes are being constructed. Realization of program on developing petrochemical complex, sector of mechanical engineering (JSC “KAMAZ”, JSC “Sollers”, joint enterprise “Ford Solers”) are also rather interesting for investing.

“We should create proper conditions for investors starting from infrastructure, offers on land lots, organization and support of such businesses and further interaction with large enterprises”, - Ildar Khalikov said. That is why it was decided to create RT Agency for investment development. At the same time all programs on supporting small and medium entrepreneurship in republic will be maintained. Small and medium business will be closely working with large enterprises.

Head of RT government informed likewise that all representations of Tatarstan Republic abroad would be subordinate to new institution - RT Agency for investment development.

Tatarstan Investment Development Agency is the co-organizer of the III International Islamic Business and Finance Summit KAZANSUMMIT 2011.

RT President press service
foto by http://tatcenter.ru/

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