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Investment forum «KAZANINVEST 2012» was held yesterday in Kazan


International investment forum KAZANINVEST 2012: FDI&WAIPA was held yesterday in Kazan. Tatarstan Prime minister Ildar Khalikov took part in the opening ceremony. CEO of World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) Carlos Branzatto is also present at the event.
Investment forum «KAZANINVEST 2012» was held yesterday in Kazan
International investment forum KAZANINVEST 2012: FDI&WAIPA was held yesterday in Kazan. Tatarstan Prime minister Ildar Khalikov took part in the opening ceremony. CEO of World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) Carlos Branzatto is also present at the event.

Forum «KAZANINVEST 2012» was organized by RT Investment Development Agency under the auspices of World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA).

Representatives of Russian regions, Agency for strategic initiatives, Vnesheconombank and other development institutes, international consulting companies take part in the event.

Main topics to be discussed at the forum are modern tendencies and prospects of attracting foreign direct investments.

Tatarstan Prime minister Ildar Khalikov welcomed the attendees of the forum from Tatarstan and other Russian regions. Head of republican government stressed that attraction of investments is a priority issue in the republic, and it yields tangible results. In particular, in 2011 Ernst&Young recognized Tatarstan the most investment-attractive Russian region.

In general, 856 mln roubles of foreign investments have entered Tatarstan economy, the PM informed. “We consider Tatarstan potential to be much stronger and we are not completely satisfied with results now,” Ildar Khalikov said. Tatarstan’s attractive investment climate, and developed business infrastructure involve many foreign companies.

Ildar Khalikov informed that 15 sites are currently functioning for small and medium-size business in Tatarstan. 48 contracts on realization of investment projects for the total sum of investments 400 bln roubles have been concluded by entities involved in investment activities for the beginning of 2012.

Ildar Khalikov told the audience about the following projects – “Ford-Sollers”, “TANECO”, “Ammony”.

Director of RT Investment Development Agency Linar Yakupov focused on key problems connected with attraction of foreign direct investments in Russian regions.

By RT President press service
photo: prav.tatarstan.ru

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