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GCC VAT a test for Islamic Finance- Fitch


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Linar Yakupov received an award for his contribution to the development of Islamic finance industry in Russia


The 2nd International winter school of Islamic law and economics has started in Kazan


Russian financial experts are exploring options to launch Islamic Banking


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Islamic banking will be most relevant to SME sector: Zafar Sareshwala

Interview with director and head of Islamic Corporation for Development's (ICD) India operations.


Islamic Develop Bank calls for new Islamic microfinance structures

As the Shariah-compliant Islamic finance sector booms in the GCC region, the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, asked experts in the field to develop new Islamic microfinance structures.


Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority and Thomson Reuters Reveal Key Findings of Digital Islamic Economy Report 2015

Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) and Thomson Reuters, with support from the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC) released the 'Digital Islamic Economy Report' for 2015, in collaboration with DinarStandard.

The focus of waqf and zakat will get a shot in the arm within KAZANSUMMIT 2013


Functioning of the Waqf and Zakat funds becomes a key subject of Islamic Economic&Finance Conference of KAZANSUMMIT 2013.
The focus of waqf and zakat will get a shot in the arm within KAZANSUMMIT 2013
Functioning of the Waqf and Zakat funds becomes a key subject of Islamic Economic&Finance Conference of KAZANSUMMIT 2013.

Charity, as one of the parties of Islamic finance, traditionally takes special place in the list of discussed questions at the V International summit: Economic cooperation between Russia and OIC countries – KAZANSUMMIT 2013, which will pass on May 15-17 in Kazan.

“Solidarity” charitable foundation is the one of constant co-organizer of KAZANSUMMIT. During Ramadan 2011 Solidarity had collected the record sum of donations – more than 17 million rubles (zakat amounts to 13millionrubles).

In the course of the conference such questions as practice of Waqf and Zakat input into economy of the countries by means of funds, funds’ purposes, tasks, structure and mechanisms of work will be considered.

Reference information: Last year within the framework of KAZANSUMMIT 2012 round table called “The role of zakat, wakf and islamic finance in effective charity” the Founder and CEO of
Center for Education and Research Nahla SEHIJA DEDOVIC, the Director of International Relations and Arab medical union AMR ARFEEN, the General Coordinator of The Union of NGOs of The Islamic World CIHANGIR İŞBILIR, the President and founder of World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists TARIQ H. CHEEMA, the President of Solidarity Charitable Foundation and the Master of Sharia science “Alraid” SEYRAN ARIFOV took part.

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Malaysia's fast-growing Islamic finance sector benefits not only the Muslim world but also non-Muslim countries, said former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

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