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GCC VAT a test for Islamic Finance- Fitch


Goldmoney adds Shariah-compliant methods to boost investment from Islamic markets


Path Solutions joins CIBAFI, the world renown General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions


"Kazakhstan Islamic Finance 2016: a new frontier for Islamic finance" country report


Azerbaijan looks to new Islamic bank as sector rules progress


Linar Yakupov received an award for his contribution to the development of Islamic finance industry in Russia


The 2nd International winter school of Islamic law and economics has started in Kazan


Russian financial experts are exploring options to launch Islamic Banking


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Islamic banking will be most relevant to SME sector: Zafar Sareshwala

Interview with director and head of Islamic Corporation for Development's (ICD) India operations.


Islamic Develop Bank calls for new Islamic microfinance structures

As the Shariah-compliant Islamic finance sector booms in the GCC region, the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, asked experts in the field to develop new Islamic microfinance structures.


Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority and Thomson Reuters Reveal Key Findings of Digital Islamic Economy Report 2015

Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) and Thomson Reuters, with support from the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC) released the 'Digital Islamic Economy Report' for 2015, in collaboration with DinarStandard.

The relay of Russian-UAE relations


On the 29th of May, before one week to the KazanSummit, the Russian –UAE business forum will be held in Dubai. It will be referred to the activization of economic and trade cooperation between two countries. In the course of the forum the discussion of investment opportunities of UAE and Russian Federation in spheres as real estate, industry, agriculture and aviation will take place.
The relay of Russian-UAE relations

 Kazan Summit 2014 will become the next important stage in the development of Russian-UAE economic relations.


On the 29th of May, before one week to the KazanSummit, the Russian –UAE business forum will be held in Dubai. It will be referred to the activization of economic and trade cooperation between two countries. In the course of the forum the discussion of investment opportunities of UAE and Russian Federation in spheres as real estate, industry, agriculture and aviation will take place.


Then due to the 6th International Economic Summit of Russia and OIC countries the relay of Russian-UAE relations will pass to interregional level. On the 5th of June in the frames of Kazan Summit Tatarstan-UAE business forum will be held. The Minister of Economics of UAE Sultan Saeed Mohammed Al Mansouri will lead the delegation of more than 40 businessmen and investors from UAE which will arrive for the participation in the Summit.


In the course of business forum the best investment projects will be presented to the foreign guests. In its turn, the representatives of UAE will present their vision for the perspectives of trade cooperation and collaborative business doing with Tatarstan colleagues. On the 5th of May it was stated by Abdallah Al Saleh, the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Economy for Foreign Trade of UAE, at the meeting with Linar Yakupov, the Chief Executive of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency. In the course of meeting Abdallah Al Saleh also mentioned that the representatives of UAE will participate in the Kazan Summit for the fourth time already and this fact proves the mutual growing interest for cooperation of UAE and Russia, and Tatarstan as well.


Due to the holding of Tatarstan-UAE Business Forum Kazan Summit provides the unique platform for Russian businessmen and industrials to meet personally with Arabian colleagues to establish business contacts and possibly for execution of partnership agreements.

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Malaysia's fast-growing Islamic finance sector benefits not only the Muslim world but also non-Muslim countries, said former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

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