Welcome to the main economic interaction platform of Russia and OIC countries – KazanSummit 2015!
KazanSummit annually organized by IBFD Fund and supported by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Tatarstan government and the Association of the regional investment agencies of Russia is not just a unique but the major strategic event. Global significant issues that determine the direction to the development of the economic relations between Russia and countries of the Islamic world are in the agenda of this large-scale international event. Among the major issues actively discussed during the previous summits were international trade, smart cities construction, foreign investments and food security.
ISLAMIC FINANCE FOR CONSTRUCTIVE GLOBAL TRADE AND INVESTMENT is the main theme of the VII International economic summit of Russia and members countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – KazanSummit 2015, which will be held on June 15-16th in the third capital city of Russia – Kazan. Islamic finance industry showing a high growth rate of the global financial sector acts as an economic tool for the development of trade, attraction of investment and effective collaboration between Russia and countries of the Islamic world.
The special observer status of OIC that the Russian Federation received in 2005 provides a fundamental base for the improving interrelations between Russia and OIC member countries. That step has created a political foundation for further cooperation development so proactive efforts are put together in order to economically fulfill the established relations. Hence KazanSummit, an effective and successful business mechanism, is the main platform for developing relations between Russian regions and OIC member countries that takes an economic cooperation to the international scene.
Over 7 successful years KazanSummit has got a worldwide recognition as a practical and important event. It results in signing numerous business agreements, great number of new business networking and effective implementation of investment projects.