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Islamic-Finance.ru - Information and Analytics on Islamic Business and Finance in Russia Islamic-Finance.ru - Information and Analytics on Islamic Business and Finance in Russia Islamic-Finance.ru - Information and Analytics on Islamic Business and Finance in Russia

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GCC VAT a test for Islamic Finance- Fitch


Goldmoney adds Shariah-compliant methods to boost investment from Islamic markets


Path Solutions joins CIBAFI, the world renown General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions


"Kazakhstan Islamic Finance 2016: a new frontier for Islamic finance" country report


Azerbaijan looks to new Islamic bank as sector rules progress


Linar Yakupov received an award for his contribution to the development of Islamic finance industry in Russia


The 2nd International winter school of Islamic law and economics has started in Kazan


Russian financial experts are exploring options to launch Islamic Banking


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Islamic banking will be most relevant to SME sector: Zafar Sareshwala

Interview with director and head of Islamic Corporation for Development's (ICD) India operations.


Islamic Develop Bank calls for new Islamic microfinance structures

As the Shariah-compliant Islamic finance sector booms in the GCC region, the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, asked experts in the field to develop new Islamic microfinance structures.


Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority and Thomson Reuters Reveal Key Findings of Digital Islamic Economy Report 2015

Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) and Thomson Reuters, with support from the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC) released the 'Digital Islamic Economy Report' for 2015, in collaboration with DinarStandard.

Russian financiers focus on ethical finance


The leading Russian companies consider Islamic finance as a new and effective source of capital attraction. The issue of forming a collaboration with the Middle East and Southeast Asia capital markets will be discussed at the debate seminar of the Russian finance directors’ club.
Russian financiers focus on ethical finance
The financiers of the largest Russian companies such as Vnesheconombank, Rosselkhozbank, Rosevrobank, SIBUR holding, the RUSSIAN INVESTMENT SOCIETY, VTB Capital Investment Management, Svyaztransneft, Inteco, Promsvyazkapital, Far East energy Management Company, INTERAVIAGAZ and others have confirmed their participation in the conventional meeting.

The key topic of the seminar – «Crisis – it is time to make an important decisions. TODAY IS TOO EARLY, TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE». The discussions will also touch on the issues of economic situation and risks assessment, forecasts, collaboration with banks, financing import from the West Europe with the assistance of the export and credit agency. The first Vice-President of the Russian finance directors’ club Tamara Kasyanova, who is in the top 100 of the Russian economy and finance experts, will hold the seminar.

Linar Yakupov – the president of Islamic Business and Finance Development Fund and the leading expert, who is in the top500 global rating of Islamic finance specialists, will speak on Islamic financial model, ethical finance and interaction with the leading capital markets.

The key Russian financial and State structures such as Bank of Russia, VTB group and Sberbank, the Council of the Federation, the State Duma, the Association of Regional Banks of Russia and the financial market players are all interested in developing the Islamic finance industry in the Russian Federation.

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Malaysia's fast-growing Islamic finance sector benefits not only the Muslim world but also non-Muslim countries, said former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

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